terms and conditions

Terms and conditions

We are also advertising third party product. So we please check properly before buying any product, read all scheme related terms and condition before buying anything. If there is any dispute between you and third party which advertise their product with us, for that we are not responsible. So we are again telling you please read carefully all scheme related documents and terms condition before buying any product, services or courses.


we may monetize our blog through google adsense, affiliate marketing or may provide sponser post on our blog. on clicking on advertisement link you may be directed to different website. Please read all terms and conditions of that site, before dealing on that site.

when you are redirect to another site from our site please read all terms and conditions of that sites, we are not responsible for any loss to you on that sites.

copyrighting content

  • All the content to this site is written and edited by me. No copyrighted content has been published on this site, if anything you find is copyrighted from somewhere, please let us know we will remove that.

using content of this sites

You may use content of this site in writing your thesis or essay or making your unprofitable project.

you are not permitting to use this content on any other blog, or coping it to writing ebooks or using it any other thing from which you are going to make money

If you have any problem regarding this site or any product on it then let us know that. We will try to help you in all possible ways.

If there will any serious issue related to this side and need a judiciary involvement then all the issue will be handled to the nearest judiciary from my place that may be Datia Madhya Pradesh India.

If you want to advertise with us then you are most welcome to our sites. We will advertise your product with us, only with the guideline with our site. If any user have any query or dispute regarding your product, services or courses then, it will not be our concern to settle the disputes. We have nothing to do in this matter. We are not responsible for this and will not be involve any police or judiciary case.

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